Worcester Telegram & Gazette Subscription

Telegram & Gazette

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I check to see if Worcester Telegram & Gazette home delivery is available in my area?

Navigate to the search box at the bottom of this page and enter your home delivery zip code. If home delivery is available in your area, Worcester Telegram & Gazette subscription rates will populate on the results page. Please note that while newspaper subscription prices are published for your zip code there is a very small chance that your specific address is not serviced by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette. This situation occurs mainly in very rural areas. Additionally, if your delivery address is a PO Box number, the newspaper cannot deliver to your address.

Can I still subscribe if my address doesn't qualify for home delivery?

Worcester Telegram & Gazette discount subscriptions are not available for every address. A Worcester Telegram & Gazette subscription customer service representative can help determine what delivery options are available if your address doesn’t qualify for Worcester Telegram & Gazette home delivery.

Is my personal information safe?

Yes. The personal information we receive from you is used only to provide the highest quality home delivery service available. All sensitive information such as credit cards or personal information is securely encrypted for transmission. See our privacy policy for more details about the use of all information that you provide.

Can I pay by credit card for my Worcester Telegram & Gazette subscription?

Yes. You can charge your Worcester Telegram & Gazette subscription on most major credit cards, such as MasterCard and Visa, although acceptance of American Express and Discover varies by newspaper. Simply enter your credit card information on our secure checkout page. Your credit card will be charged for the amount of the subscription.

What should I expect from Worcester Telegram & Gazette Customer Service?

You can expect responsive customer service that allows you to review and update your delivery and billing information, stop delivery of your newspaper when you're away, discover special promotions and notify the newspaper of any comments or questions you have.

By what time should I expect the Worcester Telegram & Gazette to be delivered

In most areas, the paper will be delivered by 06:30 AM on weekdays, 06:30 AM on Saturdays, and 07:30 AM on Sunday. We strive to maintain these guidelines; however, there are always circumstances, such as inclement weather, that might cause your newspaper delivery to be delayed. If your paper does not come on a scheduled delivery date, please contact Worcester Telegram & Gazette as soon as possible to receive credit.

When will Worcester Telegram & Gazette home delivery start?

The lead time to start delivery on a new order varies by area. In most areas, new orders begin within 2 to 3 days after the order request has been received. Your expected start date will be shown on the confirmation page after you place an order. If you have any questions about your start date, or if your newspaper subscription does not begin as scheduled on the first day, please contact Worcester Telegram & Gazette, so that we can send a reminder notification to the delivery carrier in your area.